We were inspired to build Rufflet because of our experience with another project we've worked on in the past (CryptoKitties). How can the community or the creators understand how people are using their contracts? Public data is readily accessible via blockchain but it's really hard to visualize. Etherscan is great for looking up any transaction or any block in Ethereum but it's textual data formatted into a list.

No one can parse all that information and make sense of it.

'Show method calls by name' is terrible because it shows the HEX in Etherscan. If we were to use Etherscan to track the most frequently called methods we would need to open 200 pages. Over 500 CryptoKitties were bred by the community in just 24 hours. Public data on the blockchain is abundant but visualization is extremely limited. We built CryptoKitties and wanted to understand how people were using our contracts.